Sagar Phuria, The Youngest Educational Speaker Is Changing The Defination of Motivation
“There’s No Such Thing As A Motivation, Unless You Know The Reality Within You & Ready To Change It” says Sagar Phuria. We come across many motivational & inspirational speakers who are influencing & boosting us in our daily life. But Sagar Phuria takes the one step ahead & says further that “There is no such thing & shouldn’t be for most of speakers or who aspire to be”. He says motivation is a activity & not a subject of profession.
When you come across Sagar Phuria, we are sure you are going to talk something different about him. His subject is to bring down people to reality & help them find out problems by themselves. His education pattern helps build solutions that can impact your thought process & futuristic goals.
He says motivation & inspiration only applies to a person when he knows the reason of the goal/dream & his powers of existence for the betterment of society.He also brings the reality of todays youth, who is running behind short term success, which can adversly affect them emotionally & socially in the mere future.
He want to make people understand their importance of existence in this universe & influencing to control their emotions during any activity in their work, relationships & life. He says you can only be motivated unless you know the reality about yourself. Reality includes your biological features, past experiences & present needs for future goals. He shares a clear message for everyone to know the science of reality & secondly developing the art of achievement. These lessons are the basis for the educational speeches he gives & content he writes. His advice on management helps various sectors & people to learn smartwork techniques at ease. The style of this young man is “Speaking Starightforward” where he pushes his audience on the importance of understanding truth & then setting goals & building the necessary required for achieving it. After reading his content & acting upon it, many people will see changes in themselves and their activities.
Mr.Sagar Phuria’s social media content & his reach proves his adversity in the subject. He educates youth through his specifically designed seminars under *USP Program*. His activities related to management & daily engagement on facebook & instagram makes him the true leader in this profile. He is actively engaged with youth through online consultation for their career direction & bringing dream to reality.He helps in building the gap between the dream & reality. He says, whatever he teaches today is from his own experience, his own career, which has seen success & failure both on a large scale.
His teaching pattern can help you develop yourself to live a contented life. He says success & failure are a part of your development journey.
Sagar Phuria has been awarded till now with Youth Icon of India in 2015, Youngest Business Consultant in 2016 & Star Entrepreneur Award In the same year. He has been working as a mentor for many budding entrepreneurs & previously been honoured as a member for Innovative Council of Maharashtra. He is also an active equity investor, where along with investing, he mentors the project & help in process designing, strategies & monitoring them throughout. He has been associated with colleges & management instutions as a guest educator. His live sessions are been organised in many cities today, details of which are available on
He is also soon starting business live sessions on facebook & IGTV. Apart from this daily routine, he is also actively posting his style influencing post on instagram which is interesting to know & followed by huge public.
We are sure that this multi-talented young man is going to bring a big change in the way the people talk about motivation & inspiration as he strongly influences his teaching on defining reality & self-inspiration. He is becoming support for many students, employees, business owners & entrepreneurs to lead a successful career & life.
He is also coming up with his own education university & also a 2 day MBA program for Business owners who want to learn the Business paradigm in their own business .
You can reach his profile on instagram & facebook at *sagarphuria.official*
His famous quote “Dream A Dream, Not Today Than Never” brings a lot of positive impact on life.